An impressive 91% of Generation Z employees in India are ready for the integration of AI in the workplace

According to a report released on Friday, 91% of Generation Z workers in India are enthusiastic about incorporating generative AI into their professional lives, feeling adequately prepared for its adoption in the workplace. The study, Adobe’s 'Future Workforce Study for India,' revealed that while 81% of Gen Z employees have utilized generative AI to improve their work, 45% are actively seeking training for hard skills related to their roles, surpassing the 40% seeking training for soft skills.

Prativa Mohapatra, Vice President and Managing Director at Adobe India, emphasized that Gen Z is the most tech-savvy generation, expressing eagerness to embrace disruptive technologies like generative AI. Mohapatra emphasized the importance for organizations to find a balance between integrating such technologies and fostering a culture that aligns with evolving needs.

The report highlighted that Gen Z workers are comfortable providing feedback to peers and colleagues, with 96% expressing this sentiment. Additionally, 93% of Gen Z employees in India aspire to grow not only in impact but also climb the corporate ladder to the C-suite. While 87% feel positive about career growth opportunities within their companies, 46% cited the absence of a clear path to promotion as a leading factor that could drive them to leave a job.

The study revealed that Gen Z values career guidance, with 91% considering a workplace mentor crucial for their professional development. However, only 76% of Gen Z respondents reported having a mentor at their workplace. In terms of priorities, Gen Z workers rank the lack of a clear path for promotion as the primary reason for leaving a job (46%), followed closely by less-than-satisfactory pay (43%).

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