Monalisa Bhosale, who recently captured widespread attention at the Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj, has landed her debut Bollywood film. The 16-year-old became an overnight internet sensation after festival-goers were mesmerized by her beauty, sparking a wave of photos and videos with her. The intense attention made it difficult for her to remain at the event, prompting her father to send her back home. By then, however, her images and videos had already gone viral on social media.
Now, Monalisa is set to make her Bollywood debut, having signed on for a role in filmmaker Sanoj Mishra’s upcoming film The Diary of Manipur. Mishra personally traveled to Indore, Madhya Pradesh, where Monalisa lives, to meet her family. After their discussions, she officially agreed to join the project.
Before filming begins, Monalisa will receive acting training in Mumbai. It is also reported that Amit Rao, the brother of actor Rajkummar Rao, will appear alongside her in the film.