Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Civil Supplies Minister Nadendla Manohar announced a government crackdown on the PDS mafia

He alleged that the Civil Supplies Corporation was operated like an organized mafia benefiting a single YSRC family.

KAKINADA: Civil Supplies Minister Nadendla Manohar criticized the previous YSRC regime on Friday for its ineffective implementation of the Public Distribution System. He highlighted that the AP State Civil Supplies Corporation accumulated a debt of Rs 36,300 crore and owes Rs 1,600 crore in arrears to paddy farmers.

Manohar alleged that the Civil Supplies Corporation operated like an organized mafia benefiting a single YSRC family.

During a review meeting with district authorities on Friday, he proposed several measures to enhance the efficiency of the Public Distribution System and prevent diversion of PDS rice to the open market.

He disclosed discrepancies at 189 out of 251 mandal-level stock points. Authorities have already filed 19 cases against officials involved in malpractices, and suppliers of foodgrains have been blacklisted. According to Manohar, a mafia based in Kakinada diverted PDS rice to the open market, establishing a green channel from Chittoor to Kakinada for this purpose. He asserted that this mafia exploited the state, severely affecting the impoverished population.

Describing the mafia's operation, he explained that they purchased PDS rice, which typically costs over Rs 30 per kg, at prices ranging from Rs 10 to Rs 15 per kg and exported it via Kakinada port, earning hundreds of crores of Rupees.

Civil Supplies authorities have initiated a crackdown on the PDS rice mafia, conducting searches at illegal PDS rice stock points in Kakinada district. He cautioned that severe action would be taken against officials who colluded with former YSRC MLA Dwarampudi Chandrasekhar Reddy to divert PDS rice to the open market.

"Effective measures will be implemented to prevent further diversion of PDS rice to the open market," he emphasized.

Manohar pledged to streamline the distribution of essential commodities to ration card holders through the PDS, ensuring transparency. He asserted that officials would be held accountable for any lapses in the Public Distribution System.

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