YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) senior leader and former minister Ambati Rambabu took a jab at TDP chief Chandrababu Naidu over his statements regarding welfare schemes in Andhra Pradesh. Using the platform ‘X’ (formerly Twitter), Rambabu remarked, “No wealth creation, not even sampenga flowers. Chandrababu and Lokesh have thrown their hands up and passed everything onto Jagan. Promises remain unfulfilled. Govinda, Govinda!”
Rambabu accused Chandrababu Naidu of using financial constraints as an excuse to avoid implementing key welfare schemes.
Recently, Naidu expressed concern about Andhra Pradesh's economic condition, claiming it had deteriorated to a level worse than Bihar's. He stated that central government funds for projects like the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, Amaravati, and Polavaram could not be redirected to other initiatives.
Chandrababu Naidu assured that welfare schemes would resume without delays once the financial situation improved. He mentioned specific schemes like ‘Talli Ki Vandanam’ (₹15,000 per student) and ‘Annadata Sukhibhava’ (₹20,000 for farmers), promising their implementation when funds become available.