Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has directed officials to create detailed plans aimed at attracting devotees and tourists from across the country for the upcoming Godavari and Krishna Pushkaralu. During a review meeting held today, the CM instructed officials to finalize a new tourism policy by February 10.
Revanth Reddy highlighted the need for a world-class tourism policy that appeals to both domestic and international visitors. He specifically encouraged a focus on eco-tourism and temple tourism. The CM directed the Revenue, Forest, and Tourism Departments to come up with strategies to attract pilgrims and tourists during the Sammakka-Saralamma Jatara. He also proposed developing a tourism circuit that connects nearby temples and tourist spots around the Jatara location.
In addition, Revanth Reddy stressed the importance of boosting eco-tourism in regions such as Adilabad, Warangal, and Nagarjuna Sagar. He also recommended creating a tourism circuit linking Indira Park, Sanjeevaiah Park, and NTR Park.
The Chief Minister also proposed studying Singapore’s eco-tourism model to apply similar strategies in Telangana. He believes strengthening the tourism sector will enhance the state’s recognition and bring in more revenue.