
Anand Mahindra: If Tesla enters India, how will you handle the competition? Here's Anand Mahindra's response.

When a netizen asked how Mahindra would handle the competition if Tesla enters the Indian market, Indian industrialist Anand Mahindra gave an interesting response. Tesla, owned by Elon Musk, has hinted at launching in India, prompting the question.

Anand Mahindra recalled facing similar questions after the economic reforms of 1991. He mentioned that Mahindra survived and thrived despite competition from companies like Tata and Suzuki. He credited Mahindra’s success to the trust customers have in their products and expressed confidence that the company would continue to move forward, even with Tesla entering the market.

Mahindra also said that the company will evolve to match the competition, thanks to the support of Indian consumers. He shared a post from 2018, when Elon Musk’s companies were facing difficulties, where he had offered support to Musk. Mahindra reiterated that his support remains unchanged today.

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