Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy urged Union Minister Manohar Lal Khattar to allocate funds for completing pending projects under various central schemes. He also requested ₹55,652 crore for developmental initiatives planned in Greater Hyderabad. The Union Minister, during a review meeting on urban development and power department initiatives at a hotel in Hyderabad yesterday, discussed the state's progress under the PMAY (Urban) scheme with officials.
The Chief Minister highlighted that 65% of Telangana's population resides in urban areas, emphasizing the need for accelerated urban development. He outlined key projects aimed at transforming Telangana into a ₹1 lakh crore economy. These include elevated corridors, metro connectivity, the East-West Corridor, the Regional Ring Road, greenfield radial roads, the Musi Riverfront Development, urban infrastructure, lake rejuvenation, drought prevention, the Bhu Bharati Act, the Metropolitan Development Plan 2050, Build Now initiatives, township growth centers, and Future City.
Revanth Reddy pointed out that Telangana accounts for 8% of India's urban population and called for approval of 20 lakh houses under the PM Awas Yojana (Urban). He also highlighted Hyderabad's limited metro connectivity and proposed six new corridors under Metro Phase-2, with Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) completed for five of them. He sought ₹24,269 crore for their construction.
Additionally, the Chief Minister requested ₹10,000 crore for the Musi Riverfront Development project and ₹4,170 crore for Warangal’s underground drainage system. He also briefed the Union Minister on the implementation of various central schemes in Telangana.