Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu expressed his dissatisfaction over an incident at the BC Boys Hostel in CK Palli, Sri Sathya Sai district, where students were allegedly not provided midday meals. Speaking to District Collector T.S. Chetan over the phone, the Chief Minister criticized the negligence shown by the hostel authorities.
The District Collector informed the Chief Minister that immediate arrangements were made to provide meals to the students once the issue came to light. Following this, Chandrababu Naidu ordered a full investigation into the incident and directed the immediate removal of negligent staff. Acting on these instructions, the Collector issued orders to relieve the hostel warden from duty.
Minister Savitha also intervened, holding discussions with the District Collector and officials from the BC Welfare Department. She sought clarification on the failure to provide midday meals and criticized the negligent attitude of the authorities. The Minister ordered the immediate dismissal of CK Palli BC Boys Hostel Welfare Officer Narayana Swamy.
After the Minister's orders, the BC Welfare Department ensured that meals were promptly provided to the students. Minister Savitha emphasized that parents trust hostels to care for their children, and negligence towards students' well-being would not be tolerated. She warned that strict action, including dismissal, would be taken against staff found guilty of such neglect.
A press release from the Minister’s office reinforced her commitment to ensuring accountability and student welfare in all hostels across the state.