The SAI International Education Group honors the memory of Dr. Bijaya Kumar Sahoo

On October 30, 2023, in Hyderabad, the renowned educational institution, SAI International Education Group, paid homage to the lasting legacy of Dr. Bijaya Kumar Sahoo through their 'Founder's Memorial Series' spanning the months of August and September 2023. Today, the institution organized 'Advaya,' an artistic experience bringing parents and students together to strengthen their bonds. Following this event, the school hosted the 'Founder’s Memorial Talk' on the school premises, attended by over 5000 individuals, including parents, teachers, and students. The keynote speaker, Shri Devdutt Pattanaik, shared valuable insights on the theme 'Happy Minds, Bright Future.'

Throughout August and September 2023, a sense of reverence and inspiration filled the halls of SAI International as the school community joined in commemorating the Founder's Memorial Series. This meaningful occasion stands as a tribute to the visionary leadership and steadfast dedication of Dr. Bijaya Kumar Sahoo, the esteemed Founder-Chairman of SAI International. It transcends mere remembrance, becoming a time of deep reflection, celebrating his unwavering spirit and commitment to nurturing young minds and shaping future leaders. The Founder Memorial Series symbolizes the school's dedication to upholding the timeless teachings envisioned by the Founder, fostering rational, empathetic, and resilient leaders who drive positive change in society.

During the 'Founder’s Memorial Talk,' Shri Devdutta Pattanaik, in his speech, shared, “In life's journey, a happy and tranquil mind acts as the compass guiding us towards a brighter future. For students, fostering happiness is not a luxury but a necessity, as supported by mythology. Happiness is subjective and immeasurable, and a significant emotion we should instill in our children is the power to be content. Mythology, with its timeless tales and wisdom, serves as a reservoir of life lessons, offering profound insights on navigating the complexities of existence.” He further delved into the difference between ‘Bigyan Ka Sach’ and ‘Vishwas Ka Sach’ and discussed how the Royal Society’s motto ‘Nullius In Verba’ signifies 'take nobody’s word for it,' illustrating the determination of fellows to verify all statements with facts determined by experiments and maintain their independence.

After his inspiring address, SAIoneers engaged in an enriching and witty Q&A session, seeking guidance on cultivating inner peace and essential factors for a bright future. This momentous occasion also witnessed the felicitation of the winners of the 'Founder Debate Cup 2023,' an intellectual debate competition featuring students from Classes IX-XII.

Dr. Silpi Sahoo, Chairperson of SAI International Education Group, stated, "The central mission of our school is to promote happiness in education. Dr. Bijaya Kumar Sahoo consistently emphasized the significance of the 'Happiness Quotient' (HQ) in one's life, valuing it higher than mere intellectual prowess (IQ). As I step into the role of carrying forth the legacy of SAI International, I do so with a profound sense of purpose and reverence. It is my solemn mission to tread the path envisioned by our revered Founder-Chairman, where happiness and knowledge seamlessly intertwine. Dr. Sahoo's vision of infusing education with happiness has not only been realized but continues to thrive. Our steadfast commitment to this noble ideal remains resolute. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the parents who have stood as unwavering pillars of support in our journey toward cultivating happy, empathetic, and resilient individuals."

With deep reverence and gratitude, Vikram Aditya Sahoo, Member of the Founder’s Office, shared the profound life lessons he gained from the founder, lessons that continue to illuminate his path and resonate within the hearts of the thousands of SAIoneers. Reflecting on the Founder, he expressed, “Dr. Bijaya Kumar Sahoo wove threads of wisdom that have left an indelible mark on us all. He taught us the need to prioritize family, recognizing that amidst our ambitions and pursuits, the bonds of kinship are the truest anchors of our existence. He illuminated the power of dreams, reminding us that they are the beacons guiding us through the darkest of nights. He cautioned us that not following our hearts and chasing our dreams could be one of the gravest risks we might ever take.

The Founder showed us the delicate equilibrium between pride and being proud, urging us to stand tall with humility. He emphasized the importance of remaining firmly rooted and treating success and failure as mere impostors. But perhaps his greatest legacy left behind is the impact he created on countless lives he touched, who would set forth to move ahead to make a difference in the world.


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