Hackers: Changed route, targeting school children

Hackers are changing their course. Cybercriminals who hitherto attacked companies with the help of malware are now targeting school children. The school is stealing children's data from the respective schools' database. Making threats to make money with that data. The National Broadcasting Company (NBC) has released a report saying that it is selling on the 'dark web', which is a platform for illegal business activities, if not given enough. 
Targeting 1200 schools this year. 

According to the National Broadcasting Company (NBC), the personal details of students at a district school in the United States were stolen with the help of malware. Students' names, data births, and social security numbers (ssn) were seized. Based on them, the FBI investigation revealed that Double demanded cyber-attacks and sold the personal data of students on the DarkWeb who did not do so . While parents of students are currently concerned about these cyber attacks, teachers are also of the opinion that these cyber attacks will have a serious impact on the future of students.

Meanwhile, there have been reports that hackers have targeted public and private companies for easy money earning, and that so far this year , computers in 1200 US schools have been attacked with malware.  A few days after the President's announcement,  US President Joe Biden announced that he would further strengthen the IT sector along with public sector companies. It also revealed that it was considering issues that would give more prominence to the judicial process on cybercrime. This statement was not made. Parents are worried about the intensification of hacker attacks.

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