CLAUSES TASK =========================== GROUP BY:- Group by clause is used to divide similar data items ========= into set of logical groups.and also group by clause reduces no of rows in each group. Syntax:-select columnname....... ====== from tablename group by columnname; Execution order:- ============== 1.FROM 2.WHERE 3.GROUP BY 4.HAVING 5.SELECT 6.DISTINCT 7.ORDER BY 8.OFFSET 9.FETCH RULE:- Other than group function columns specified after select ===== then those all columns must be specified after group by. Otherwise oracle server returns an error not a GROUP BY expression. Note:- In all database systems we can also use group by clauses ===== without using group functions. EG:-select deptno from emp == group by deptno; SQL>select deptno from emp group by deptno; DEPTNO ---------- 30 10 20 step1:-group by deptno; deptno Result set table ------ ---------------- 10 10 it reduces into '1' 10 deptno 20 10---------------------> 10 10 30 10 10 similar data items into 20 it reduces into '1' 20 20 set of logical groups 20----------------------> 20 20 30-----------------------> 20 10 30 it reduces into '1' 30 20 30 ----------------------> 30 30 30 30 step2:-select deptno from.... ===== | |-------->This deptno is selected from result set table not from the original table. DEPTNO ---------- 30 10 20 individual group functions means there is no problem --------------------------------------------------- SQL>select sum(Sal) from emp; SUM(SAL) ---------- 46425 individual group functions there is no problem. SQL>select deptno,sum(Sal) from emp;//it won't work || || || || normal column means group function means always record by record all values at a time executed. executed synchronization is not there || ||Solution is || we must use group by error:not agroup by expression solution:- ========= SQL>select deptno,sum(sal) from emp group by deptno; || it takes other than group function column. HAVING Clause:- In all relational databses after group by clause we ============== are not allowed to use where clause. In place of this one ansi/iso SQL provided another clause having. Generally where clause is used to restrict the rows in a table. where as having clause is used to restricting the groups after group by. in where clause we are not allowed to use group functions where as in having clause we can also use group functions. 1.Write a query to display no of persons in each state from following Person table -->simply i want state wise count group by EG: Detailed data-------------------------------------->Summarized data pid pname state state count(*) --------- ------- -------- ------- --------- 1 SUBBARAO AP AP 4 2 KIRAN TS TS 2 3 RAJU TS MP 1 4 ADITYA MP MH 1 5 GOWTHAM AP 6 VISWAJITH MH 7 SURYA AP 8 SAI TEJA AP 2.Find state wise,gender wise count(population) from the following table? PID PNAME GENDER STATE ------ --------- -------- -------- 1 SUBBARAO M AP 2 KAVYA F TS 3 KIRAN M TS 4 GOWTHAM M AP 5 KERTHI F AP 6 SURYA M AP 7 ANUSHKA F AP 8 RAJU M TS 3.Write a query to display number of employees in each department from emp table using group by? 4.Write a query to display number of employees in each job from emp table using group by? 5.Write a query to display deptno, minimum and maximum salary from emp using group by? 6.Write a query to display those departments having more than 3 employees from emp table? NOTE:-we can also use invisible group functions within having ==== clause. 7. Write a query to display those departments sum(sal) more than 9000 from emp table by using group by clause? 8.Write a query to display duplicate records from the following TEST table ? SQL>select * from test; deptno ---------- 10 10 10 20 20 20 30 30 40 50 8.Write a query to display year, no of employees per year in which more than one employee was hired from emp table using group by? 9.How many employees are joined in january or september month by using group by? 10.Display the sum of salaries of 10th and 30th department by using group by? 11.Write a query to display no of employees joined in each QUARTER from emp table using group by? 12.Write a query to display those departments sum(Sal) having more than 3 employees from emp table by using group by clause? Note:-in all realtional databases we can also use invisible group ===== functions with in having clause.whenever we are implimenting group function reports by using group by clause then database internally having all other group functions. 13.Find year wise sales from the following ORDERS table B.Find quarter wise sales from the following ORDERS table orderid ordername orderdate ORDERAMT ------- ---------- ------------ --------- 1 SURYA 12-DEC-24 1300 2 GOWTHAM 17-JUN-22 1800 3 RAJU 16-JAN-22 800 4 GOWTHAM 23-DEC-23 1000 5 SURYA 08-MAR-24 1200 6 KIRAN 02-NOV-23 600 7 RAJU 04-FEB-24 900 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What are the differences b/w where and having clause? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- where | having ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.where clause condition is applied on |1.having clause condition is applied on every row. | every group. | filters the rows | filters the groups | fuctions can not be used in | fuctions can be used in having where clause | clause | 4.where gets executed before group by |4.having gets executed after group by | can be used with out group by | can not be used with out group by ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------